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Event Driven Architecture


  • There are 2 kind of events in an Event Driven Architecture system (EDA)
    • Event/Message contains information about something that happens, to notify others => Will be the focus
    • Command is like an order/request to others to execute something and expect a response from it
  • An event can contain data or just notify something happened and it has to be immutable


  • An EDA typically has 3 components: Producer, Broker, Consumer
  • A Producer simply means thing that produces an Event into the Broker
  • A Consumer means thing that consume Event from the Broker and do something with it
  • A Broker takes in multiple Events from many different Producers and route/publish them to appropriate Consumers
  • A service can be both Producer and Consumer
  • This whole can also be called Publish/Subscribe Architecture/Model/Pattern


  • Decoupling: In a typical microservices architecture, we may want a service1 communicates to service2. So service1 needs to know about the existence of service2 and vice versa => dependency. With EDA Broker, service1 only needs to publish an event and service2 only needs to know how to react to it => Reduce both coupling & dependency. With this pattern, we can easily add more service to listen to event from service1 without any concern and it would just work.
  • Dependency Inversion: Similar to above
  • Scalability:
    • The event can be persisted, making it easier to retrieve event later
    • No Single Point of Failure, using the persisted events, when a Consumer service comes up after fault, it can easily retrieve and process the event


  • Performances due to the intermediate Broker
  • Consistency as there is some delay waiting for the Broker and all the Consumers to finish process all the events
    • Ref: [[RDBMS#ACID]], [[Consistency patterns#Eventual Consistency | Eventual Consistency]]
  • Complexity to the overall system

When to use

  • When Scalability > Performances
  • Data Replication to use Event to notify all Consumer to receive the same information